9 Tips for Surviving a Home Renovation

Renovating your home is a great way to add value to your property and bring your home current in-line with modern design trends. However, when you are taking on a home renovation, this can be a hard thing to survive. This is especially true when you are living in your home while the renovation is taking place. Here are nine tips that can help you survive a home renovation.
1. Keep the trash where it’s supposed to be
Living in a home while it is being renovated can be a difficult thing to do. If you are constantly having to move trash off of areas you are trying to use, it will get old pretty fast. Make sure that you have designated areas where you are putting all your trash. If needed, you can always request an additional dumpster.

Renovating your home doesn’t have to be difficult.
2. Get your priorities straight
When renovating a home, it can be difficult to accomplish everything that you have set out to do within your schedule and budget. It is important to remember what is at the top of your list. When you get your priorities straight, you can focus on the renovations that will benefit your home the most.
3. Keep your everyday life needs in mind
You will need to protect vital areas of your home like your fridge, shower, washing machine, and bedroom when you are going through a home renovation. Trying to live through a home renovation doesn’t put your life on pause. You still need to make sure you are doing all the things you normally would with the least amount of hassle.
4. Stay with a friend or live in a rental during renovations
If at all possible, you should try to live with a friend or relative during this home renovation. This may be difficult if you have a larger family. In this instance, you should try to find a rental property that will let you lease out a home for a short period while your home is being renovated. It’s a good idea to temporarily move furniture and household items into storage if you’re doing a major renovation so there aren’t any accidental mishaps. Most moving and storage companies have storage facilities on-site, making it easy if you want to hire a moving crew to move things out and then back in when the the renovation is complete.
5. Make sure you hire the right contractor
Deciding which contractor you hire can make a huge difference in the overall outcome of your home. Take your time when you are choosing who will help you make your home what you want it to be.
6. Start with a vision in mind
Without a solid vision in mind, you are going to have a difficult time having a renovation that is going to satisfy you. Think about what you want before you get down to breaking down walls and tearing up the carpet.

Before renovating your home, visualize what you would like to change first.
7. Protect the parts of your house you aren’t renovating
If you are planning on leaving key parts of your home like wood floors, make sure that you are protecting them during the renovation process. You don’t want to damage your home while you are trying to make it beautiful.
8. Communication is key
Communicating with your contractor is going to make all of the difference in your home renovation project. Create a great working relationship with your contractor. This will make the whole project run much more smoothly.
9. Set a schedule and try to stick to it
When you have a schedule set in stone, you will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. This will also help you avoid an endless renovation that just keeps having projects added on. A schedule is also essential when trying to stay within your budget.